Saturday, May 16, 2015

The End.

  As we see genius hour coming to a bittersweet end, I have the pleasure of answering some questions about my experience with this project & the things that went along with all of it.
  I believe my favorite part about the topic I chose was the fact that it was something I could get very passionate about, something I could probably go on with for days. It made the whole process easier & helped me to better motivate myself. Although I feel my topic had many benefits, it also had several cons that came along with it. By far, my least favorite part about the project was how sad it was. Doing LGBT+ rights, of course I saw a lot of really shocking statistics & stories that really upset me.
  Leading into the next few questions, I believe my favorite part of genius hour research was that we got to choose our own topics. This gave us a chance to really have fun with this project, & help us to educate ourselves on things we are passionate about. My least favorite part was definately the blogs! I felt as if I was giving away big pieces of my presentation when I would create paragraphs every week showing what I learned so far. It made me feel as if when I presented, everything I went over had already been said on my blog. Also, if I finished a blog entry early, it was hard to find people who had just recently posted things I could comment on. I just had a difficult time with the blogging part in general.
  As genius hour is coming to a close, I learned that I am definitely NOT someone who can just read articles & stories & get into what I'm learning. Videos help me a lot, being able to see & hear everything. I also learned that I am a very compassionate person that understands the emotions of hardships of others, & finds myself getting involved to try & solve the problem. LGBT+ rights, or should I say, human rights, is a highly controversial topic in today's society. But since the day we've been a country, the U.S. has been promoting life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. & no one deserves for their happiness to be robbed from them based on something they cannot change.

  & as genius hour research ends, my passion for my topic will not. I will continue to speak out against hate & push for a better generation, a better tomorrow.

   "because everyone has the right to love, & be loved. & that's the position I take."