Thursday, April 30, 2015

LGBT+ Statistics

       This week I found myself looking at LGBT+ youth statistics. Within my research, I found these statistics.

  • 90% of LGBT+ youth says that they are out to close friends, while 64% says they are out to all their peers
  • 75% of LGBT+ youth say that their peers do not have a problem with LGBT+ people
  • 92% of LGBT+ youth say they hear negative comments about being gay (the biggest sources of these comments are from school and the internet)
  • over 3/4 of the LGBT+ youth community say that they know things will get better

       While these are on more of a positive spectrum, there are also several more statistics that aren't so positive.
  • 42% of LGBT+ youth say the community of people in which they live are not accepting of LGBT+ people.
  • 26% of LGBT+ youth say their biggest problem is not feeling accepted by their family/peers, yet 22% of non LGBT+ youth say their biggest problems lie within grades and school
  • 73% of LGBT+ youth feel more comfortable with themselves online than in real life
  • 25% of LGB youth have been psyhically harmed by others who are unaccepting of their sexual orientation
  • 55% of transgender youth are harassed due to gender identity
  • 28% of LGBT+ youth drop out because of this harassment 
  • 40% of homeless youth are LGBT+
  • 34% of LGBT+ youth report abuse from their parents as a result of their sexual orientation
  • LGBT+ youth account for 30% of suicides a year


  1. Wow this is reallly eye opening. I can't wait to see the rest of your posts, research, and your presentation.

  2. Wow this is reallly eye opening. I can't wait to see the rest of your posts, research, and your presentation.

  3. The online satitic was really relatable to everyone, I feel when people are uncomfortable with them selfs and bashed on by the public eye, they can transform them selfs into someone everyone can love online :) so true!

    Have you talked to anyone online that is LGBT

    1. Yes, I have. I find it really great to find such a diverse group of people online (:
